Dazzling tracks
– Finally, our Bright Store has provided this attractive and dazzling game for any young child, especially boys, as it develops through the succession of circular paths the attention and focus of your child and the strengthening of his visual memory.
– It is a mini game of the car race circuit with circular tracks that attracts our little kids.
– It works to satisfy the desire of our children to obtain cars and their drive towards car and racing games, and the application of electronic games for cars and racing in the real world through this game.
– All our children love to control their games remotely by using the remote control to control the movement of the car so that he can enjoy it.
It consists of bright colored plastic parts that he installs to form circular racing tracks, and there are also traffic lights in them.
– It develops many skills while playing and installing them, such as: –
1- The child’s attention and focus, and the strengthening of visual attention and visual motor synergy while he is able to form the game at all levels.
2- It stimulates your child’s imagination and creativity.
3- Improve the vocabulary during playing.
4- Satisfy your child’s desire to fulfill his desires.
– Suitable for children from the age of five years and over.
– This wonderful fun game made of the finest types of plastic that can withstand the toys of our children is available in our Bright Store, as it pays attention to everything that is distinctive and new.